お嬢さま「5日!? 2日ならぬ?! そ、そうなんだね。なら気が楽。でもあたしのために時間を割いてくれて、ありがとう。えっと、それでね、……」
お月「みなの者、聞いたか?! 今すぐパンツを下ろせーーーい!!」
お月「パンツを戻せーーーい!! ……えっと、どういうことでしょう?」
お月「ううんっ、なんと慈しみのあるおひと! キッスしたくなりますよ~っ!」
お月「ん? ん?」
お嬢さま「うん、いつもより気持ちいい💖 みんなに見られてるからに違いない」
お嬢さま「はあぁん!? えっちすぎる、うれしい💓 みんなでオナニーできてよかった」
お月「しかしお嬢さま、彼らは裸じゃなくてよろしいんですか? なんでしたら、わたくしも脱ぎますけど?」
お月「おお、CMNF (Clothed Male and Naked Female)というやつですね。お嬢さまが倒錯志向をご存じだったとは、驚きです」
お嬢さま「はあん、ほんとのあたしは、えっちな子なの。えっちなことが大好きなの! 毎日オナニーしてるオナニーマスターなのっ、あぁん💕」
お月「ややっ、そうでしたか!? これは衝撃です。物静かで上品なお嬢さまが、実はオナニー大好きっ子だったなんて!」
お月「おう!? 衝撃のせいでしょうか、一人イキそうな模様です!? 顔が『あ、やべ、イキそ』ってなったのを、わたくし見逃しませんでしたよ!」
お嬢さま「あぁ、いいよ、イッて! よかったら、あたしにかけて!」
お月「なんと!? 精子をかける!? え、そんなの初めてですよね?! ちょ、お前よかったなあ! お嬢さまに初めて精子かけるの、お前やでえ! 早漏でよかったなあ、おい!」
The young lady is shy but wants to feel good with her servants.
The attendant lady, Otsuki (Left gal on the photo), spoke to the young Miss with a big smile on her face.
Miss, I have gathered the three servants. Let's play as much as we want today.
Miss : Thank you, Otsuki. Thank you all too for gathering in being busy.
Otsuki: Not at all, it's fine. They're a servants who have five days off a week.
Miss : Five days!? Not 2 days?! Okay I see. Then it feels at ease. But thank you for taking your time for me. Well, you know...um
Otsuki: Yeah.
Miss: Um, I'm going to masturbate now... so...
Otsuki : Yeah.
Miss : I want you all to play with your ...penis if you like.
Otsuki: Did you hear that, guys!? Take your pants down noooow!!
Miss : Whoa,whoa!? wait, I don't mean you have to pull your pants down!
Moon : Put your pants back oooooon!! ... Ah so, what do you mean?
Miss : If you don't want to show your penis, you can do it over your pants.
Otsuki Oh, is that so? How kind.
Miss : We can't force definitely.
Otsuki : As expected of you young lady. The educated ones don't force, do they?
Miss : Maybe. I don't know. Besides, I love all of them so much, so I don't want to force anyone.
Otsuki: Ah, what a compassionate person you are! You make me want to kiss you!
Miss : Wow!?
Otsuki Well, let's put that aside for now.
Miss : Oh, The feeling as being able to put aside....
Otsuki By the way, how are your true feeling~?
Miss : True feeling?
Otsuki What do you really want them to do?
Miss : Well, I ... I want to
Otsuki : You want to? what?
Miss : I want you to show me your penis and give it ... squeezing.
Otsuki: You guys, take off your pants nooooow!!
[Photo 1]
Lady Hah, hahn, it feels so good💖
Otsuki : Miss, your love juice is dripping on your favorite vibrator.
Miss : Yep, it feels better than usual💖 It must be because everyone is watching me.
Otsuki: Oh boy. The servants are crazy about squeezing their cocks. Look at his face. He is gazing at you just to make his cock feel good.
Miss: Haahn! Too ecchi, so happy💓 I'm glad I could masturbate with you all.
Otsuki: But Miss, is it okay they don't become naked? I pull off too if you want though?
Miss : No, this is good. I'm the only one naked and everyone else is dressed. I am the most embarrassing girl. I love this💓
Otsuki: Oh, that's so-called CMNF (Clothed Male and Naked Female). I'm surprised you know about pervert thing.
Miss : Hahn, I'm really a naughty girl. I love to do naughty things! I'm a masturbation master who masturbates every day 💕.
Otsuki: Is that so!? This is a shock. The quiet and elegant Miss actually loves to masturbate!
Miss : Ahh, look at me that way from now on💗.
Otsuki: Oh! I wonder if it's because of the shock, he seems be about to cum! I didn't miss that when his face "Oh shit, I'm about to cum!"
Miss: Ah, it's okay to cum! If you like, you can do it over me!
Otsuki: Oh my God! Cum to you!? You've never done that before, have you? Come on, you're so lucky, man! You're the first one to cum to her! That's good you're a premature ejaculator, dude!
[Photo 2]
Miss : Aah, I got a lot of sperm 💞
Otsuki : Yeah, that was the great ejaculations you know. 'Cause It even flew to me next to.
Miss : I didn't know they can cum many times.
Otsuki : It's because you're way too ecchi♪
Miss : Y-you think so? If it's true I'm glad. Thank you for today, everyone. I'm glad you guys got to know me a lot. I want to masturbate with you again.
Otsuki: Ooh, the shy young lady is willingly talking to her servants. Today, young Miss and the servants have the relationship closer. Ugh, I'm touched.