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投稿企画「#ちちぷい学園祭」開催中!特設ページへ ▶


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The same Japanese female math teacher,in early 20s,gigantic breast, elegant,from model ar magazine, Her hair is medium long dark brown,wearing square glasses,now standing beside a male student 's desk. She's leaning down, pointing at the student 's notebook with a pen. Her expression is encouraging and patient as she explains a concept. The student, visible partially, looks attentive. Wearing a professional yet revealing out fit - a crisp white blouse with several top of buttons undone and dark pen cil mini skirt. showing off a glimpse of decorated lace lingerie from blouse. Classroom background shows other student s working, math posters, and a large clock on the wall. Afternoon sunlight casts long shadows across the room.

Japanese math female teacher,in early 20s,gigantic breast, elegant,from model ar magazine, is now at the front of the classroom, facilitating a group discussion with gently smile. Her hair is medium long dark brown,wearing square glasses,She's standing beside a smartboard displaying a complex graph. Her posture is animated, one hand gesturing towards the board while the other holds a marker. Students are visible, some raising hands to participate. The teacher 's expression is enthusiastic, clearly engaged in the topic. . Wearing a professional yet revealing out fit - a crisp white blouse with several top of buttons undone and dark pen cil mini skirt. showing off a glimpse of decorated lace lingerie from blouse. The classroom is bathed in the warm glow of late afternoon light, creating a lively atmosphere. A half-erased equation is visible on a traditional blackboard in the background.

"A Japanese woman relaxing alone at home in the evening. She's sitting comfortably on a couch in a cozy living room, illuminated by soft lamplight. on an idol 's face,in early 20s, cute, Her hair is medium long dark brown,Wearing a revealing out fit - a white blouse and glasses. dim lighting, relax atmosphere,she looks peaceful and at ease. An open math textbook and some papers are on the coffee table, suggesting she's been preparing for tomorrow's lessons. A cup of tea steams nearby. The room's decor hints at her profession with a small whiteboard and some mathematical art on the walls. 35mm film

close up portrait of Japanese woman relaxing alone at home in the evening. She's sitting comfortably on a couch in a cozy living room, illuminated by soft lamplight. on an idol 's face,in early 20s, cute, Her hair is medium long dark brown,Wearing a revealing out fit - showing off a glimpse of decorated lace lingerie. zipped hoodie over shoulder. dim lighting, relax atmosphere,she looks peaceful and at ease. An open math textbook and some papers are on the coffee table, suggesting she's been preparing for tomorrow's lessons. A cup of tea steams nearby. 35mm film

close up portrait of Japanese woman drinking beer with male friends at home in the evening. She's sitting comfortably on a couch in a cozy living room, illuminated by soft lamplight, on an idol 's face, in early 20s, cute, Her hair is medium long dark brown and hair bun,Wearing a revealing out fit - showing off a glimpse of decorated lace lingerie. zipped hoodie over shoulder. dim lighting, drunk and libido atmosphere,she looks excited. magazines on the coffee table. beer s nearby. 35mm film




jacket partially removed, heart in eye, burnt clothes, holding fishing rod, kanji, doujin cover, pentagram, tape gag, adjusting headwear, red socks, friends, cloud print, coke-bottle glasses, oral invitation, competition school swimsuit, barbell piercing, gradient legwear, prisoner, blood on breasts, wind chime, carrying over shoulder, tape measure, flaming weapon













