佐藤「うひょー、新設されたプールはこうも綺麗かねー!? なんか城の中にプールあるみたいな感じだな。すげー! えっと、この先がメインプールだよな。センパイ、もう来てるかな? 妹さんの着替えもあるし、たぶんまだだろうけど」
佐藤「ん? なんだ、聞き覚えのある女子の声がするぞ。……あっ!」
真ん中の子「変なユニット名で呼ばないでちょうだい!? 新井よっ」
新井「プールに遊びに来たに決まってんでしょう!? あんたこそ、どーしてぼっちプールができるわけ? 鋼の心か」
佐藤「しねえよ! 新設プールを純粋に楽しみにきたんだっ」
佐藤「お前ら妄想でひとをキモがるのやめろッ!? ……くそ、高飛車三人衆は尻を振りながら行ってしまった。――あれ? あのオレンジの水着は、まさか山田? ああ、そうだ。隣にいるのは川田じゃん。相変わらず仲良しだな。ちょっと声をかけてみるか。おおーい、山田ー!」
オレンジビキニの山田「ん? おお、佐藤――」
佐藤「エエッ!? ちょ川田?!」
川田「男だ! オオカミだっ! ヘンタイだあっ!!」
山田「お、落ち着け川田、これは佐藤だよ! クラスメイトの佐藤! あだだだっ!? おなかの肉をつかむなよう!?」
川田「……え? 佐藤くん?」
山田「センパイ? あ~、あのご令嬢か。てことはつまり、デートってやつですかい?」
New Pool, Classmates, and Sempai (first half)"
Sato: "Wow, the new pool is beautiful such this?! It's like there's a pool inside a castle. Amazing! Let's see, this is the main pool, right? I wonder if Senpai is already here? I have to change your sister's clothes, so she probably hasn't arrived yet.
Girl's voice1 "Oh, it's quite a view."
Girl's voice2 "When you go out the entrance of the Japanese house, there is the pool...What a gap.
Girl's voice3 "Big gaaap"
Sato: "Hmm? The voices I've known anywhere...... Ah!"
Girl's voice1 "Hmm~?"
The girl in the middle "Oh my, look who it is, it's Sato."
The girl on the left: "It's Satoooo!"
Sato "Oh, you are the coky three!"
The girl in the middle: "Don't call us by a strange unit name! I'm Arai".
The girl on the right said, "Gosh. It's such a nice sunny day, but a guy like a rain cloud appeared.
The girl on the left: "Passing raiiiin?"
Sato: "Ha, say whatever you like. So, what the hell do you guys come to here?
Arai "Of course we came to play in a pool! What about yo. How can you play alone-pool? Is your heart made of steel?
Sato "No way! Who is alone-pool?!"
Arai "No way, your purpose is voyeurism......?
Sato "I ain't! I came here to genuinely enjoy new pool."
The girl on the right said, "Miss Arai, let's go. There is a possibility that he has already fucked with a small camera or some shit.
Arai "Awww, I'm scared. Let's go....".
The girl on the left said, "We pull ouuuut"
Sato: "Stop getting paranoid and don't treat me weidos! ...Damn, the cocky three went off shaking their asses. Hm? That orange swimsuit. Don't tell me it's Yamada? Oh, that's her. That's Kawada next to her. They're good friends today too. Let's talk a second. Hey, Yamada!
Yamada in an orange bikini "Oh, Sato--"
The girl in the black bikini "Awwwwww?!"
Sato "What?! Kawada?
Kawada "It's a man! It's a wolf! It's Hentai!
Sato "What the hell do you think a man?!
Kawada "Wow, a man is exposing his upper body!
Sato "'Cause this is a pool! That's normal!
Yamada "C-calm down Kawada, this is Sato! Our classmate Sato! Ada-da-da!? Don't grab my tummy!
Kawada "...... Eh? Sato?"
Kawada: "Oh, that's true. Sato the chihuahua."
Sato "Who's the Chihuahua? I can't get you Kawada sometimes, calling a man wolf and recognizing me a chihuahua. But It's coincidence, you guys came here too.
Yamada: "Yeah. We are like "They say new pool is opend, then let's go". Who are you here with?
Sato "I'm with my senpai"
Yamada "Senpai? Oh, that young lady. So that means you have a date with her?"
Sato "Well, no, Senpai's sister is here too, so it's not like that"
Yamada: "Oh yeah? Anyway get a great day"
Sato "Right, I will. You guys have amusing times too"
To be continued.