思ってた "あーん" と違う
先輩「はぁ~! 今日の回もおもしろかったわね~!? 10点満点で10点よ」
後輩くん「アニメやマンガはたくさん作品が出ているでしょう? だから、どうしても似たシーンが出るもんなんです。ほかには、定番な展開を楽しむために似ていることが起きたり。『ああ、この展開知ってる!』って」
先輩「あ~、パンツ見えるやつ?! 男の子は好きなんだよね。ショーツがスカートから見えるの」
後輩くん「そ、そーですね。(先輩も今見えちゃってますよ?! 言ったらきまずくなりそうだから黙っときますっ)。」
後輩くん「で、ですね。これは俗にラッキースケベなんて呼ばれています……。(ぼくは何を解説しているんだろう!? 一男子としてなんか恥ずかしくなってきたぞっ。もっとこう、紳士的なやつはないのか?!)」
後輩くん「(くっ、センパイは好意的に受け止めてくれている。なんてやさしいひとだろう。それだけに、ここは一つ、アニオタ(男子)の清楚な部分もお教えしておきたい! なんかないか!? 女子も男子も心温まるやつ。――あ。あった)
先輩「はい!? びっくりしたぁ」
「"あーん" をご存じですか?」
先輩「"あーん"? あ、聞いたことあるよ」
後輩くん「おう!? (くっ、知っていたか!? せっかく全アニメファン(男子)の株をあげようとしたのに!)」
先輩「ラブラブ……後輩くんも、"あーん" 好きなの?」
後輩くん「え? やあ、もちろんですよっ。ほっこりする愛のなんと素晴らしいことか!」
先輩「あ、愛!? そうよね……そ、それじゃあさ。今ここで、『あーん』してみる?」
後輩くん「ほえ? 今? ここで?」
後輩くん「エッ?! や、やってくれるんですか!? あの、ぼくそういうの初めてで、上手にぱくんってできるか分からないですけど!?」
先輩「わ、わ、わたしだって、ひとにこんなことするの、初めてだからね!? 上手にお口に入れられるかわかんないけど!?」
後輩くん「ん? あれ? エエエェッ!!?」
This is not "Aaah" I was expecting
Sempai who has recently developed an interest in anime romantic comedies. She began watching them with a junior student who knows anime well.
[photo 1]
Senpai : Huh~! Today's episode was interesting too! I'd give it 10 out of 10.
Junior student : Yeah. I had one deja vu, so I'd give it an 8/10.
Senpai : Deja vu?
Junior student : You know, there are many anime and manga works out there. So, we can't help but see similar scenes. And sometimes similar thing happens in order to enjoy a standard development. You know, it's like "Oh, I know it", "I knew how it is going!".
Senpai : I see. Are there some that in rom-com?
Junior student : I think so. I only read for young men, so I can't say for sure but.
Senpai : Heh. Can I ask you for the example?
Junior student : Yeah, let me see. l think a common one is, as a promise, P-Pan-chira....
Senpai : Oh, that means the one to see a panty?! Boys like it, don't they? Moment to see a short through a skirt.
Junior studet : Y-yeah, you're right. (Senpai, that can be watched now too. I keep quiet because we'll have awkward if you knew.)
Ahh, and, he touches a heroine's breast when they fall down.
Senpai : Oh, I see. it's like I didn't mean to touch it, but I did, isn't it?
Junior student : R-right, this is commonly called Lucky sukebe... (What am I explaining?! I'm kind of getting embarrassed as one male!)
Senpai : Lucky sukebe, aha. That's funny naming.
Junior student : (Damn, Senpai is taking it in a fun way. How nice she is! So I should tell her about the nice part of anime otaku (of men)! What is it? Something that will warm hearts of girls and boys. --Oh. There it is.)
Hey, Senpai!
Senpai : Yes!? I'm surprised.
Junior student held up his index finger and turned a serious gaze toward senpai.
Junior student : Would you know "Aaah"?
Senpai : "Aaah"? Oh, I've heard it.
Junior student : Oh yeah?! (She knew it!? Damn, I was about to go up stocks of all anime fans (of men)!
Senpai : You know, ah, the one putting in your mouth, huh?
Junior student : That's right. Guys love that lovey-dovey stuff too. (Maybe)
Senpai : lovey-dovey.... You love it too?
Junior student : Eh? yeah, of course. How wonderful love is!
Senpai : Love!? Oh yeah... then, do you want to try "Aaah" right here now?
Junior student : Hm? Right here? Now?
Senpai : Yeah... I can give you "Aaah".
Junior student : What?! You do that for me!? But, I've never done once, I don't know if I can do it right way.
Senpai : I-It's my first time too! Such a thing to someone! I don't know if I can put it in my mouth properly.
Junior student : Right, then, we're going to try it....
Senpai : Alright, ....let's do it.
After saying so, Senpai began to remove the shoulder straps of her one-piece dress.
[Photo 2,3]
Senpai : Thanks for waiting....
Junior student : Eh, wait, huh......?!
[Photo 4]
Senpai : Say, "Aaah".
Junior student : This is not "Aaah" I was expecting, Senpai!!
Senpai : What?