Gobras was originally the jester of the court of gods. A god of many forms and talents, he is the protector of the Gobelar (Goblin) and the Gereshti (Gremlin) races. He appears as a goblin sized, green faced jester with flamboyant clothing. A few Gnoos (Gnomes), especially those devoted to the production of clockwork gizmos, worship Gobras, a thing that creates an unbridgeable gap between those Gnomes and their Dwarven cousins, who have a tradition of enmity with most Goblins. Gobras appears in such a variety of forms that not even his closest worshippers can recognize him. And all those who wear masks or disguises as part of their professions, like assassins, spies and actors, often swear by Gobras' name.
Gobras is the god who inspired the Godgame — the game that the gods are playing to determine who will rule Norindaal. After pulling a few tricks on his opponents during the early turns of the Godgame, Gobras seems to have lost interest in it. Maybe he has his own agenda, maybe he is just having fun at the expense of others, or maybe he is just as scatterbrained as the other gods purport him to be.
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