先輩モデル「あ、そうなの? えっと、それとあたしを抱えて歩いてるのはどういう関係が?!」
先輩モデル「ええ!? 今、撮影始まったばかりなのに!?」
先輩モデル「がっつり食べる気だねえ!? にゃあ!? 後輩ちゃん、おっぱいがボロンって飛び出てる!? ゆっさゆっさ揺れてる!?!」
先輩モデル「あ、そっか♪ ――っておい! あたしこの格好で喫茶店いけるかっ!!?」
先輩モデル「無茶さすな!?! 店内がショッキングなるわっ!!」
Time waiting for a shoot, a junior model(Right on photo) quickly stood up and started walking out carrying a senior model.
Senior model: Whoa! What's wrong, junior?!
Junior modell: Senpai, I'm hungry."
Senior model: Oh, yeah? But does it have to do with you walking with me in your arms?
Junior model: Let's have lunch together.
Senior model: Eh!? But we just started shooting!
Junior model: Our turn is still ahead. Shooting is usually delay. The coffee shop is just downstairs.
Senior model: You're going to eat properly, aren't you?! Nyaa!? Your boobs are popping out! They're swaying!?!
Junior model: Oh shoot, this swimsuit is so tiny that it often exposes my boobs. Ms. Kanmera (a photographer) prepared this but I feel a dirty thought you know.
Senior model: But the peach-colored swimsuit is cute. Now the bottom looks like your panty flashing though.
Junior model: Oops, you could see it from my outfit. It was a big size so I thought it's safe.
Senior model: That looks like a super mini bodycon, huh?
Junior model: Yeah. This is a bit Ecchi. I'm embarrassed a little. But it's troublesome to go back to wear so let's advance like this.
Senior model: You're a daring gal.
Junior model: I'm more ordinary than Senpai who is in totally swimsuit.
Senior model: You're right♪ ――Oh, wait! How can I go to a coffee shop dressed like this?!!
Junior model: It's okay probably. Because great on you in the shocking pink swimsuit.
Senior model: Don't be reckless!?! Shop will be turned shocked color you know!!